Mayhem and Murder

I'm sorry Greg and Tasha.. but it appears without a flame and with no fuel, theres no fire. Apparently, I am a catalyst. The plank in ones eyes so to speak. So be it. Wielding more power than a little bit. But, you guys can attest that words are healing and sometimes this place is refuge. So, I'm sorry for being so selfish. I hope you can forgive me. :( :)

in other news. I had the weirdest dream last night. A woman who looked like the singer Davina was going around in broad daylight down Gates Ave in Brooklyn robbing and then killing people at point blank range. I called the police because everywhere i went she seemed to be right behind me.. but i woke up, so i hope she stopped killing innocent people. That ish was crazy. I'm not sure what the hell it means. Cuz, I know for a fact she wasn't after me.. She just was following the same path as I was....ooohh Tasha I get it...damn dreams are crazy..cuz it looked like i was the only one who noticed this woman on a rampage. wow.. how weird. Cuz i understand it now. WOW! ok...

I'm going back to bed now. Cuz i don't think i really got any rest.


Paula D. said...

Ummmm....what in the world did you eat before you went to sleep!

Anonymous said...

ohh.. i forgot i went to the diner last night. eggs, grits, bagel with cc.. hot chocolate oh and some cranberry juice.. maybe it was all that butter on my grits. haha