A Letter to my True Love

Dear My Love, My Heart, My Passion, My One:

I thought it'd be easy to let you go, move on without you. The line before rings in my ear like a love song on the radio. But, it's not easy. I think about you everyday. I wonder how your doing. I wonder what your doing when I'm not around. I think alot. You always knew I did.

I've never been good at moving on or letting go. But, you knew that. We've been together for years. Spent mad time together. Time being mad, and time spent. It's not the same thing.
The time we spent was good. We became real close. Shared so many things. I never tried to lie to you. But it's so easy to lie, when you care about someone. When you want to keep them happy. When you want to keep them pain free.

But, someone/ something/ things and people got between us. Bastardized our connection. Made it seem like this thing we shared was no longer mine and yours but there's to look upon and tear apart. They took us and chewed us and spit us out for their own amusement.

I wish they knew us. Wish they had really taken the time to know us instead of picking us apart, missing (mixing) the message. Because of them I let you go, tried to move on, tried to forget. But, you're a part of me. You and I are one and I want you to know I could never let you go.

I bet they'll read this even and misinterpret it. But, You of all KNOW me/Know us... so forget about them. Like that old Jon B song, "Don't listen to, what people say, they don't know about about you and me, put it out your mind, cuz it's jealousy, They don't know about this here."

My dear, I miss you. More than you'll ever know. I've never really let you go. I've been here, growing, learning, living, and most of all waiting for the right time to re-connect with you.

I love you. I miss you.

J aka TN aka your one and only. Your Love. Your Muse, Your Vessel

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